
Benefits of Cloud Computing For Call Center Business

Benefits of Cloud Computing For Call Center Business

Cloud hosted solutions & services have become very popular within the levels of the call center business because of its cost-effective nature. SMBs or Small & Medium Businesses that need to perform with limited capital & other necessary resources are particularly interested in such services & solutions. This is because of the fact which clouds computing & specifically, cloud telephony provides such businesses with excellent PBX features like Call forwarding, Call Conferencing, Call Blasting & much more. These cloud-based telephony solutions are extremely relevant to the call center environments, without acquiring any heavy upfront costs, normally associated with the conventional call center services.

Here are some benefits of cloud computing for call center business:

Reduced Cost

One of the greatest benefits of the cloud computing & cloud telephony solutions is cost reduction.  Best of all is that it provides the better quality of services in a cost-effective & affordable package. It removes call center’s need to use expensive PSTN/ ISDN networks while also considerably reducing maintenance & other overhead costs & replaces them with the cloud-hosted solutions for fixed monthly cost.

Streamlined IT

With the cloud computing, business focus shifts from the minimal on-premise IT to cloud-hosted IT resources. It also transports along third-party integration with the other business utilities & tools to create an IT network that helps enhance business agility & creates multiple opportunities to develop solid customer service engagement strategies & protocols.

Better Collaboration

With the cloud computing, all operational data is stored on Internet, within extremely secure databases. These permits call centers & their employees to collaborate with each other by their respective business Cloud networks. Employees can cooperate with each other, despite their geographical location, serving them to become not only more dynamic but well-organized as well.

Better Integration

Cloud computing permits call centers to integrate their cloud-hosted services & other third party business utilities & software tools much better than the conventional business communication systems. These permits call centers to enjoy supreme integration capabilities. Cloud computing can also collate data from numerous sources & create the robust database that helps call center workers to serve their callers with the better interactions.


Reliability in terms of Cloud computing typically hinges on an issue like Business Continuity & Disaster management, Data Security its general agility, flexibility, & scalability.

Business Continuity & Disaster Management

Disasters & acts of God are unavoidable. It is the fact that we as humans have adapted to & accepted. But lots of call center businesses are not aware of Business continuity as a vital business element or can’t afford to set up such protocols because of lack of resources. Cloud computing permits such businesses to create & implement business continuity & disaster management strategies as a reasonable service, which ensures that businesses & its different operations.

Data Security

The most vital factor every call center must consider is data security. Cloud telephony service providers catering to the call centers encourage their products to have the military-grade data security measures. They too use some other data security measures like redundant, data encryption & fragmented storage protocols & much more to make sure a secure & safe data environment for their call center clients.

Better Reporting & Accessibility:

Cloud computing provides call centers with much accessibility & advanced reporting metrics. It offers call center workers to work from anyplace in the world, from any compatible device, at any time of day.

PT Aplika Karya Solusi Bisnis is a provider of business communication services based in Indonesia. We provide global conferencing solution, video conferencing services, Hosted Call Center, session border controller, Virtual PBX and other telecommunication solutions for business of all sizes. Please contact us at sales [at] aplikabisnis [dot] com or 021-2986-6186 for any needs for cloud call center needs in Indonesia.

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